Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain v. Obama - Spending

"In the first three weeks of September, Barack Obama ran 1,342 television commercials in the Washington media market that reaches heavily populated and contested Northern Virginia. 

According to The Nielsen Company, in the same period and market, John McCain aired just eight commercials on broadcast stations. 

Similar disparities are playing out across the country as the Illinois Democrat flexes his financial muscle to outspend McCain and the Republican National Committee on television advertisements, in some cases by ratios of as much as 8-to-1.

As of close of business last week, Obama had spent approximately $195 million on primary and general election ads compared with $99 million by the Arizona Republican and the Republican National Committee, according to the Campaign Media Analysis Group. " Link


Liz said...

So do you think the swing states are being bought? The idea that all it takes to get elected is to spend the most money is repugnant, but do you think that's what it is?

Jesse said...

Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. I definately thing there is some type of correlation between $$ spent on ads and the way people feel about you. Yeah, it really does suck, but as the Supreme Court has said, Money is a form of Expression- and I think that this just re-enforces that concept.

The problem is that there are many more variables to this puzzle than just money. It is only one variable of many. Who's NOT to say that Obama's increasing lead in the swing states is due to the fact that people are totally f-off fed up with the old guard.

Liz Dembski said...

See how much money he spent in Florida? Maybe he's doing this because of the election scandal/bullshit of 2000? You have to spend a lot of money to make sure that doesn't happen again...