Baby and momma.
Whole picture, see how many symbols you can find!
A fully functional garden clock.
So this could have been a totally sweet pic, except that I had my fucking camera on 400ISO. I want to scream whenever I do this, geez.
Nice picture of the city. I had to shoot this betwen trees. So I climbed up this very steep hill just out front of LBNL (Lawrence Berkely Nat'l Lab). I was kinda worried cause I was by a chain link fense, and I'd hate to be mistaken for a terrorist.
Last rays of sunshine.
So this is a subdivision from the air. Isn't it crazy the drastic lines where the desert meets the manicured lawns of soccer moms.
I mean seriously, a fucking golf course in the middle of the fucking desert! You gotta be shitting me. Do you know how much water a fucking golf course uses in a day? I sware people like this piss me off to no end.
So aquaducts have been around since when, like 1000BC? Good to see we've advanced so much in the last 3000 years.
So I think this is a trailer park, look at the watering hole in the middle. The other thing I thought was very interesting was that this kinda looks like an old socket 7 (or was it 9) intel processor...
Caught the shadow of my plane landing. I though it was cool cause you can see the guy working in the boom truck.
I like the slippers!
Planet Rock, Pontiac, MI. Not bad of a place, but their routes were hella hard.
These are some younger people climbing.