I found this really cool website called Wordle (http://wordle.net/). It takes any text, or hyperlink and makes a random map of the text you give it. You can change some things about how it looks, text, colors, shapes, etc. and you get something that looks like this:
It is from an ongoing email between Anne, Liz, and I- this one in particular was from Anne's thoughts on initial interactions. My favorite is the 'women just feel' combination that is to the left.
Basically absent-minded professor meets disillusioned traveler. I walk around each day with my head well into the white clouds of pointlessness, where mists of innocent answers lead to a downpour of angry grey questionable quests. This along with a demand that the people of this world stop taking themselves seriously, you'll rarely see me without a grin from ear to ear.
cooooooool. i went with sir mix a lot lyrics and an article about banking finance. big fiscal butts
Nice. I couldn't see it from the link you sent. I like it!
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