Thursday, March 30, 2006

Pinnacles Day Hike

Lisa, Mark, and I went for a day hike down to Pinnacles this last weekend. My first exteneded amount of exercise. I checked out my bike for the first time the other day, and the rims are totally fucked. No way can I fix them, gotta get new ones. Now I've got to decide whether I want to go though the pain of "weaving" my own, or just paying the man.

Pinnacles is a total freak of nature-I love freaks. It is one half of an ancient volcano that got split by the San Andreas fault line. The other half is like 150 miles or so south!

Look at these sexy kids!

The wildflowers are starting to bloom. This a primarily dry region, in the rainshadow of the Santa Cruz range.

All of the rocks are covered in all sorts of different lichen. It looks really neat close up.

My ancestor- Bob.


Liz said...

You have some great close up here! I really like the first slower and the pinecone? is that what that is?

Jesse said...

Yup, I couldn't quite get it right because the light was catching it just so that the sap was all sparkly. Also this was a fresh pinecone, most of the others were all grey and ugly!

geekedout said...

good to see you back in action. nice pics. it looks totally different than when we were there.... maybe it has something to do with being able to see past your nose.

Jesse said...

Ya, that's what I kept thinking. However, it was nice that it was dead when we were there. It was like a tourist playground up there. It was really funny to see this old lady still telling her 40-something kids what to do. Ok now we're gonna take a picture from right here, but don't go to close to the edge, no further I mean it. Hahaa. Somethings just don't change at any age.