Saturday, February 11, 2006

Three Broken Ribs Later

So I'm broken once again...this time it was on my bike. I was cruising down Bay St. from school on Friday, I was going too fast, w/ a little weight on the back when I hit a dip in the road. I lost control, went over the handle bars and slammed into a sign. Helicopter ride to Stanford Hospital later, and I'm in a hell of a lot of pain. Doing anything hurts, even laying down, because everyone has to breathe. They said its gonna take 3-6 weeks to heal.


geekedout said...

helicopter ride huh? was it that bad? i'm guessing that either santa cruz has nothing that can diagnose, or they thought you had punctured a lung. how's your health insurance?

Jesse said...

Ya, so the local hospital can't handle serious surgeries. They were worried about puncturing various organs including the lungs...I think I have descent health insurence, basically for situations like this. We'll just have to see, my guess is that I'll need financing for a year. Two seconds bad judgement for a year+ payment.

Anonymous said...

Not bad! I think that street sign got the worst of it thou. You should rip it out of the ground and keep it as a trophy or souvenior. I don't have any pictures but I fried up my right ear in a fire it got all blistered and shit. It looked pretty cool! Take care and feel better