Sunday, May 21, 2006

A Walk to the Ocean

So I like the sunburst in the sunglasses- looks cool...

I like the shape of this flower's pistol- very cool. Also, I think that having the white balance set to a little red makes the sky really blue?...? (Dave?) BTW- the flower has purple pollen.

1 comment:

geekedout said...

neat. as for the colors, almost anything is possible, so it just depends on how you're editing it. photoshop-ish tools basically let you assign any color any value, and you have at least 9 free parameters in "color-space" to play with - saturation, contrast, brightness - for each color independently. basically make it look as pretty as you want. you'll remember it that way! ;) those tweaked cloud pictures remind me of some nights up in houghton.....