Thursday, September 27, 2007

Free Video

So incase you don't know, the way the video piracy law is currently working, is that a website has to remove the video at the request of the copyright owner of that video. So you will get something like a TV show on YouTube for maybe a day or so. The execs. are starting to have people on staff just trying to find TV shows on the net and get them taken off. With that background in mind I bring you a list (from a PCWorld mag.) of YouTube-ish sites that are at least equal if not better than YouTube- and are less likely to have a show yanked, as they are not as popular as YouTube. The number in quotes is for the pcworld link, you type

1. Beta (58123)
2. DivX Stage6 Beta (58125)
3. Brightcove Beta (58126)
4. Revver (58127)
5. Veoh (58128)

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