my mom has this neighbor who is 40 and basically 50K in credit card debt. her basement is filled with unopened shopping bags (maceys, neemin-marxus, patagucci). she pays my mom to take care of her finances now, and she's at least one maxxed out card less in debt. but all the bags are unopened. never touched. the act of buying gets her off.....
Basically absent-minded professor meets disillusioned traveler. I walk around each day with my head well into the white clouds of pointlessness, where mists of innocent answers lead to a downpour of angry grey questionable quests. This along with a demand that the people of this world stop taking themselves seriously, you'll rarely see me without a grin from ear to ear.
1 comment:
my mom has this neighbor who is 40 and basically 50K in credit card debt. her basement is filled with unopened shopping bags (maceys, neemin-marxus, patagucci). she pays my mom to take care of her finances now, and she's at least one maxxed out card less in debt. but all the bags are unopened. never touched. the act of buying gets her off.....
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